Wildlife Research Conservation Topics

wildlife research conservation topics

Wildlife Research Conservation Topics

Contribute to longterm conservation research in the cloud forests of Alta Verapaz, Guatemala.

Are you a student looking for a reptile and amphibian research project for your dissertation? Or a recent graduate looking to increase your field experience?

Research with Indigo and contribute to long term conservation efforts in Guatemala by joining a reptile and amphibian research project. You’ll survey in multiple habitat types including agricultural fields, river banks, pine-oak forest, and cloud forest in Alta Verapaz, assessing the differences in the behaviour of reptiles, as well as species composition and diversity, between these varying habitats.

The reptile species assemblage here includes several endemic and rare species such as Guatemalan coffee snake, yellow-blotched palm pitviper, cloud forest parrot snake, and brilliant alligator lizard.

The cloud forests are also home to several species of critically endangered frogs including: Pokomchi spikethumb frog, Quecchi spikethumb frog, Alta Verapaz spikethumb frog, montane robber frog, and Xucaneb robber frog. Other amphibians include Müller’s climbing salamander, black-eyed treefrogs, and Northern glassfrogs.

Research with indigo

Research with Indigo and discover the mysterious cloud forests of Alta Verapaz and contribute to longterm reptile and amphibian research projects.

We have developed a unique training programme offering our Volunteer Researchers invaluable experience in tropical field biology to support them with their future careers in conservation.

As a Volunteer Researcher with Indigo, for the first 2 weeks you’ll be involved in both terrestrial and riparian surveys for reptiles and amphibians. You will have the opportunity to:

  • Develop your field herpetology skills,
    Evolve your understanding of reptile & amphibian biology,
    Learn ethical & respectful animal handling methods,
    Contribute to the conservation of biodiversity in the Cloud Forests of Alta Verapaz, and
    Develop a deeper appreciation of the amazing creatures that we share this planet with.

For the remainder of your research time with us, you’ll have the opportunity to explore your own research interests as part of your own career and academic development.

Wildlife Research Conservation Topics

As a Volunteer Researcher with Indigo Expeditions you can expect to receive unprecedented support not only in the run up to, and during your research project, but also afterwards during your writing up period.

We aim to assign each Volunteer Researcher their own project. These are all designed with subsequent publication in mind.

Our team will work with you to help analyse the project data and craft manuscripts for submission to scientific journals.

Endangered Amphibians

Collect and analyse population data from amphibians found in a selection of remaining cloud forest fragments and agroecology areas.

The objectives of this project are to better understand how cloud forest amphibians recolonise and utilize agroecology habitats and to build evidence of successful habitat restoration and highlight areas for improvement to habitat management for the benefit of wildlife.

Amphibian project highlights

  • Gain understanding of the ecology of cloud forest amphibians
  • Work with endangered and endemic species

Endemic Reptiles

Collect and analyse population data from reptiles found in a selection of remaining cloud forest fragments and agroecology areas.

The objectives of this project are to better understand how cloud forest reptiles recolonise and utilize agroecology habitats and to build evidence of successful habitat restoration and highlight areas for improvement to habitat management for the benefit of wildlife.

Reptile project highlights:

  • Gain understanding of the ecology of cloud forest reptiles
  • Work with endangered and endemic species

Snake Behaviour

Explore the behavioural ecology of rarely seen cloud forest snake species.

This project aims to increase our knowledge of the ecology and behaviour of multiple snake species.

Through careful behavioural observations you will glimpse into the secretive lives of snakes and collect data about the habitat and environmental requirements of several little known snakes that will aid in their conservation.

Snake Behaviour project highlights

  • Gain understanding of tropical snake behaviour
  • Work with endemic and little known snake species


This blog is not intended to be used as an identification guide. At Indigo we take the welfare of animals very seriously and identifying which species of amphibian or reptile you are observing is often tricky, especially in the tropics.

Wherever possible we use digital photography to look at identifying features and keep physical contact with these sensitive creatures to a minimum.

Handling of animals should always be carried out by a trained expert, or under the supervision of one. Where necessary and appropriate any handling of sensitive species undertaken by Indigo is carried out under licence from the relevant authorities.

Indigo Expeditions is not in any way suggesting that reptiles and amphibians are handled in the field without a trained expert.

Please ask a professional to help!

Rowland Griffin

Herpetologist, Indigo Expeditions

reptile and AMPHIBIAN RESEARCH projects

Published : 23rd February 2021


Field Notes Archive

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