Snake Declines Linked to Frog Fungus The decline of amphibian species due to a fungal disease called chytridiomycosis (or chytrid for short)...
Indigo Field Notes
Community Cloud Forest Conservation in Alta Verapaz
Every year, at Community Cloud Forest Conservation, we have a wonderful opportunity to learn more about our amphibians and reptiles, because of the expertise of Indigo Expeditions that they bring in their expeditions, their volunteers that come here, and we have a lovely time with them. It’s really a wonderful time.
Wildlife Research Conservation Topics
Wildlife Research Conservation Topics Contribute to longterm conservation research in the cloud forests of Alta Verapaz, Guatemala. Are you a student looking for a reptile and amphibian research project for your dissertation? Or a recent graduate looking to increase...
Reptile and Amphibian Diversity in Guatemala
Reptile and Amphibian Diversity in Guatemala Guatemala is known by many experts as a megadiverse country, meaning that it is home to a great many species of both animals and plants. This is all the more impressive given its small size - approximately half the land...
Endangered Amphibian Research Guatemala
Endangered Amphibian Research in the Highlands of Alta Verapaz Guatemala We're here in Alta Verapaz in the Highlands of Guatemala as part of our endangered amphibian research. A big focus of our work here is to see what the population status of various...
Abronia – alligator lizards of the cloud forests
Abronia - alligator lizards of the cloud forests The cloud forests of the tropics are mysterious places cloaked in mist and draped in lichen and moss. Unlike the hot and humid lowlands, cloud forests can often feel cool and damp because they are usually covered in...
When Identifying Coral Snakes
When Identifying Coral Snakes When identifying coral snakes we often think of ‘red to black venom lack, red to yellow kill a fellow’. This simple rhyme originated in the United States where it can be successfully used to identify the two native species of coral...
New caiman pool at La Aurora Zoo
New caiman pool at La Aurora Zoo Indigo Expeditions met with Carlos Cozano, head of reptiles, to see the new caiman pool at La Aurora Zoo...
Sea Turtle Conservation Guatemala
Sea Turtle Conservation Guatemala Hi, everyone, its Rowland from Indigo Expeditions and I'm here on the Pacific coast of Guatemala at Estación...
Wildlife Research Conservation Topics
Wildlife Research Conservation Topics Contribute to longterm conservation research in the cloud forests of Alta Verapaz, Guatemala. Are you a...
Reptile and Amphibian Diversity in Guatemala
Reptile and Amphibian Diversity in Guatemala Guatemala is known by many experts as a megadiverse country, meaning that it is home to a great...
Endangered Amphibian Research Guatemala
Endangered Amphibian Research in the Highlands of Alta Verapaz Guatemala We're here in Alta Verapaz in the Highlands of Guatemala as...
Abronia – alligator lizards of the cloud forests
Abronia - alligator lizards of the cloud forests The cloud forests of the tropics are mysterious places cloaked in mist and draped in lichen...
When Identifying Coral Snakes
When Identifying Coral Snakes When identifying coral snakes we often think of ‘red to black venom lack, red to yellow kill a fellow’. This...
Wildlife encounters in the coastal wetlands of the Pacific Coast of Guatemala.
Wildlife encounters in the coastal wetlands of the Pacific Coast of Guatemala. Drifting on the slow moving waterways, the sun starts to rise...
Agroecology in the Mayan Cloud Forests of Guatemala
Agroecology in the cloud forests of Guatemala Corn is a sacred crop to the Mayan peoples of Guatemala. Unfortunately the cultivars most...
Seven Years in Guatemala – The Highlights
Seven years in Guatemala with Indigo Expeditions Looking back over last seven years of conservation and research in Guatemala - let's look at...
Largest sea turtle release on record for Guatemala
Largest sea turtle release on record for Guatemala December 2019 saw the largest release of sea turtles known in Guatemala. During the first...
Filming for nature conservation in Guatemala
Filming for nature conservation As a young boy growing up in the UK I was fascinated by wildlife documentaries. They seemed so far away and...